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A commercial license revoked if plastic continues to be used: Greater Chennai Corporation

A commercial license revoked if plastic continues to be used: GCC

As civic officials hope for a plastic-free city, measures are being taken to curb plastic use by people and businesses. The authorities were ordered to cancel the business license of companies using plastic products. People are requested to create a plastic-free Chennai by avoiding the use of single-use plastic products.

“To beautify the city of Chennai and increase green space activities like plantation and waste removal, a cleanliness drive is being conducted. In this context, the authorities of the local bodies have given various instructions to the public, commercial establishments, and distributors to prevent the use of banned plastic products that affect the environment. Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) issued an official statement saying, "We are confiscating banned plastic items and taking strict action."

A commercial license revoked if plastic continues to be used: GCC

Health inspectors and other high officials have been directed to seize and impose fines on those who violate government orders and use banned plastic products. Also, cancel the license of companies using plastic products. From November 2-15, officials inspected 13,811 commercial establishments, of which 2,671 kg of banned plastic items were seized by the GCC from 4,808 shops.

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